Hello again! If you’re not related to me (but you probably are, aren’t you?), an intro:
My name is Lindsay, and I am married to Matthew’s youngest brother, Patrick. I am 27, he’ll be 30 in February, and we have no children. (That's us down there, last August.) We've been together since fall 2000, married since fall 2003.
What we do have: arts-related jobs (I’m an arts journalist, he’s a pianist), two cats who are afraid of pretty much everyone but us, 10 lbs. of ingredients for Christmas cookies and family scattered all over the place.
I was adopted at five days old, as was my brother (also named Matthew), who is two and a half years younger than me. He is a Marine and has lots of tattoos. And big muscles. And probably lots of firearms but I don’t think about that much. (That's him, after his second tour in Iraq, making my mother's patented "Krissy face.")
My sister Emily is 19 and she was adopted at three months old. Emily is Hispanic and very beautiful and a student at the
It’s kind of weird to say that Emily’s Hispanic, although I guess technically she is. Really we’re all Slovac. My mother’s parents were both first-generation Slovakian American, so that is our adopted heritage. Emily speaks no Spanish except what she picked up in high school classes, but we can all curse in somewhat bastardized Slovac.
My parents, Kris and Craig (below), live in Ohio. I get to see them soon and I am very excited about that. In my life, this is what adoption looks like.

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