The other day he came to me and said that he couldn't wait to bring our babies home and that we need to bring home two because he wants more brothers. I told him that maybe we would have girls and he said, "No Mumma, I really think we are going to have boys. We have enough girls and I think God wants us to have more boys." I started laughing and told him that I was the only girl in the family, to which Isen replied, "Yeah, your enough Mumma." So much for reasoning with him :)
We just started the adoption process from Ethiopia also and live just 15 min. south of De Pere. How can I contact you? I don't want to give my email out on the blog. Is there a way I can email you?
Sure you can contact me at maggiechristians@yahoo.com
It would be great to meet another family in the area adopting from Ethiopia.
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