Friday, February 19, 2010

Appointment & Orphan Ministry

So, I have finished up the homestudy paperwork finally (we missed a few things) and I redid the background checks since they are no longer good. Now I just need to go and see a therapist who will write something up that my post-partum issues are resolved and I will be just fine parenting more kids. I had an appointment last week but it was snowing and the road were not the greatest so I cancelled it. Now Matthew is going to reschedule it for me since I have lost my voice today.

Hope also received a call from a pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Plover, WI about joining them in their orphan ministry. It turns out that the pastor and his wife from Beautiful Savior adopted children from Ethiopia. We have also made other numerous connections with families in the area who have adopted or are planning on adopting from Ethiopia and there is growing interested in starting up a group of families to meet every now and then to keep our childrens' culture alive.

In other news I am attempting to put together a Q&A section regarding our adoption. So look for that in the days to come.

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