Friday, July 31, 2009

On hold

Our adoption is currently on temporary hold. With our recent move and the stress that goes along with it we feel that it would be best for our family to settle in here in De Pere before proceeding with our adoption. However, in a few months we will be back at it and we will bring our babies home!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gorgora and the Susneyos Palace

Bahir Dar is a town set on the south-eastern shore of Lake Tana, where local fishermen still use papyrus boats. It is situated 37 kms from the spectacular Tisisat Falls. Here the Blue Nile creates "Smoking Water" an awe-inspiring sight as it plunges into the gorge below.
From Bahir Dar one must explore some of the ancient monasteries that have been built on the islands of Lake Tana, or on the many Islands. These include Dega Estephanos with its priceless collections of icons, as well as the remains of several medieval Emperors, Kebran Gabriel and Ura Kidane Mehret with its famous frescoes.
Kebran Gabriel is the principal monastery visited by male tourists from Bahir Dar, with its impressive Cathedral-like building first built at the end of the 17th century. Dega Estephanos, which is also closed to women, is on the island in the Lake, and the monastery is reached by a very steep and winding path. Although the church is relatively new (only hundred years old), it houses a Madonna painted in the 15th century. However, the treasury of the monastery is a prime attraction, with the remains of several Emperors, as well as their robes and jewels.
Near Gorgora, at the northern end of the Lake, the Susneyos palace is a forerunner of the magnificent palaces and castles of Gondar, and dates from the region of Emperor Susneyos. The sixteenth century Susneyos Palace served as a 'blueprint' for the famous palaces of Gondar. It was built by Catholic missionaries for Emperor Susneyos, founder of the Gondar dynasties.
During the reign of Emperor Susneyos (1606-1632) Bahir Dar attracted the interest of the Jesuits, who erected a tall (for that time) two-storey building in the compound of Saint George's church. This place of worship was renowned far and wide, so much so that the settlement was often spoken of as Bahir Dar Giyorgis. In the same area is the medieval church of the Debre Sina Mariam.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cost is not the issue

Numerous people have asked us (and some continue to ask us everytime we meet) about the cost of adoption. They are continually amazed at the amount of money it take to adopt and most admitt that they have never spent that amount on one single thing. Even when I've discussed the breakdown of payments for the adoption people continue to say they have not spent that much in their life. Amounts as low as $5,000. My response is usually, really? You've never bought a car or a house? You've never paid for a surgery or hospital stay? If by some chance (and there have been a few) I've asked if they have children. If the answer is yes then I ask them if they would hesitate to spend any amount of money to bring their child keep their child safe. If you think about it parents will not hesitate to do what is right for their children. Two of ours just happen to live in Ethiopia at the moment and we would like to bring them home...the cost is just a small thing to us to love our children!
Led by Him